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Il mio G-SHOCK

Assumi il controllo e preparati a sfidare te stesso con il DW-H5600, dalla robusta linea G-SQUAD orientata allo sport di orologi G-SHOCK. Questo orologio multi-sport è dotato di funzioni per tenere traccia di tutti i tipi di allenamento. Misura la frequenza cardiaca con il sensore ottico e utilizza l'accelerometro per contare i passi. Toccando la libreria dello smartwatch PolarTM puoi analizzare gli allenamenti, monitorare il recupero post-sonno e sostenere gli esercizi di respirazione, anche utilizzando l'ossimetro per misurare i livelli di ossigeno nel sangue. Che tu stia correndo, camminando o ti stia allenando, questo accessorio essenziale è dotato di un display LCD Memory in Pixel (MIP) ad alta definizione per un'elevata visibilità e una facile lettura ovunque tu sia. Il fitness e la salute autentici vanno anche di pari passo con la cura per l'ambiente. Per questo, abbiamo realizzato la lunetta e il cinturino in resina a base biologica. Prodotta con materiali organici rinnovabili, la plastica a biomassa è un materiale ad alto peso molecolare, di sintesi chimica o biologica, che contribuisce a ridurre l'impatto ambientale e a spostare il mondo verso un'economia circolare. Ricaricati con USB o energia solare e resterai sempre in gioco. *Il marchio e i loghi PolarTM sono marchi registrati di proprietà di Polar Electro Oy.

  • Luce LED
  • Confezione





Heart rate measurements for the active life

Equipped with an optical sensor for measuring heart rate on the case back. Uses LED light to measure changes in blood flow to track heart rate. Also includes an accelerometer to count steps. For even greater accuracy of distance measurement, just pair with a smartphone and its GPS will adjust the data captured by the watch’s accelerometer.


Compact octagonal design: Comfortable size for active use

The iconic octagonal form of the original G-SHOCK is delivered in a size that makes for a comfortable fit on the wrist by reducing the battery size and slimming the memory-in-pixel (MIP) LCD, even while incorporating the new optical sensor. The DW-H5600MB and DW-H5600EX come with either black or blue IP applied to the metal bezel for a look of luxe refinement.

*Image shows the DW-H5600MB-1.


Attention to materials: Bio-based resin

Key resin components used in the case, bezel, and band are made with bio-based resin. Produced using renewable organic resources, this material is expected to help reduce environmental impact. Recycled materials are used for the packaging, as well.

*Image shows the DW-H5600-7.
*Graphic is included for illustrative purposes.


Heart rate measurements for the active life

Equipped with an optical sensor for measuring heart rate on the case back. Uses LED light to measure changes in blood flow to track heart rate. Also includes an accelerometer to count steps. For even greater accuracy of distance measurement, just pair with a smartphone and its GPS will adjust the data captured by the watch’s accelerometer.


Compact octagonal design: Comfortable size for active use

The iconic octagonal form of the original G-SHOCK is delivered in a size that makes for a comfortable fit on the wrist by reducing the battery size and slimming the memory-in-pixel (MIP) LCD, even while incorporating the new optical sensor. The DW-H5600MB and DW-H5600EX come with either black or blue IP applied to the metal bezel for a look of luxe refinement.

*Image shows the DW-H5600MB-1.


Attention to materials: Bio-based resin

Key resin components used in the case, bezel, and band are made with bio-based resin. Produced using renewable organic resources, this material is expected to help reduce environmental impact. Recycled materials are used for the packaging, as well.

*Image shows the DW-H5600-7.
*Graphic is included for illustrative purposes.




Activity modes to support four different activities

The watch supports running, walking, gym workouts, and interval training. Select an activity with the touch of a button to track and display a variety of measurements in real time.

*Image shows the DW-H5600MB-1.

Running Index

See your maximal oxygen uptake in running and get a prediction of your race performance.
*When using GPS functionality of a paired smartphone.

Cardio load

Understand how much strain your training session put on your cardiovascular.

Energy Sources

View how much of each energy source your body uses during training, broken down into fats, carbohydrates, and proteins for each session

Cardio load status

Get your training status based on your current strain and tolerance and see whether you’re detraining, maintaining, being productive, or overreaching.

Nightly Recharge™

Know how well your body recovers overnight from exercise, overall stress, and other demands of your day.
*Nightly RechargeTM is a trademark owned by POLAR Electro Oy.


Training and sleep analysis to check your results and improve effectiveness

Based on the body’s data captured by the watch, your current performance and condition are displayed in an easy-to-understand format. For data analysis, we use a suite of training and recovery features powered by Polar's best-in-class algorithms and guidance technology. By utilizing tools tailored to your body’s condition, you can fine-tune your training efforts and keep performing to the best of your ability. Whether running, cycling, or swimming, these watches are essential gear, fully equipped for any and every sport you love.

Life log

Uses accelerometer data to analyse movement and distinguish between such movements as walking, running, biking, other activity, and standing still. Use the life log data records to understand how active you are each day.

Breathing exercises

Follow the animated display to maintain a steady rhythm of deep breathing. Provides feedback on relaxation effect after breathing exercises, but during as well. Relaxes the mind and body to help you deal with stress.

Blood oxygen level measurement

The optical heart rate sensor tracks the level of oxygen taken into the blood. This data can be used to manage daily health and adjust exercise load.
*The blood oxygen level measurement function is not intended for use in diagnosing illness or as a medical device. It is intended only for use in maintaining general health.

Blood oxygen level measurement
The optical heart rate sensor tracks the level of oxygen taken into the blood. This data can be used to manage daily health and adjust exercise load.
*The blood oxygen level measurement function is not intended for use in diagnosing illness or as a medical device. It is intended only for use in maintaining general health.


Watch mode for managing daily health

The watch mode helps manage health by measuring heart rate and keeping track of daily steps and physical activity. Also measures blood oxygen levels.

My page

Displays timelines of activity log, life log and other records. Tap a specific item for more detailed display of measurements.
Life log/Nightly Recharge™/Activity log

Life log

Displays daily log of activity in an easy-to-understand format. Users can adjust training level to suit current cardio load status, as well.
Daily number of steps and calories burned/Daily activity times/Cardio load status

Nightly Recharge™

Displays level of workout recovery from sleep and provides advice on improving exercise and sleep. Check the sleep quality graph to see how much quality sleep you get at night.
Sleep recovery level/Tips for exercise, sleep, etc./Sleep stage graph

Activity log

Variety of visuals and graphs, including map display of routes travelled, make it easy to check activity history.
Route travelled (when using GPS tracking from a connected smartphone)/Measurement data list/Linked display of measurements, graphs and routes/Lap data


App integration function to easily set goals and manage progress

Use the app to easily manage data tracked by the watch. Take advantage of the easy-to-understand display of daily activity logs, training status, and other information to stay motivated and exercising in the way that is best for you. Helps improve exercise performance and a health-conscious lifestyle.


Solar-assisted charging

Use USB charging for training functions such as heart rate monitor, as well as smart functions such as notifications and step tracker.*1 Time display is powered solely by solar charging, even when battery runs low.*2

*1 Charging time: Approximately three hours. Allows approximately one week of continuous operation from a full charge (when using for an hour a day).
*2 When charged about eight hours every day under indoor fluorescent lighting (500 lux), and charged at window side on a sunny day for two hours in a week (10,000 lux).
*Image shows the DW-H5600MB-1.


Super Illuminator (high-brightness full-auto LED backlight) for readability in the dark

*Image shows the DW-H5600-1.

Multiple functions, all at your fingertips
CASIO WATCHES (Smartphone app)

- Auto time adjustment
- Easy watch setting
- Approximately 300 world time cities
- Notification function (incoming calls, incoming e-mails, new social media posts, calendar notifications, reminders)

- Training analysis data
- Activity history data
- Life log data
- Sleep analysis data
- Phone finder
- Distance correction by smartphone GPS

The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Any use of such marks and logos by Casio Computer Co., Ltd. is under licence.
The Polar® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Polar Electro Oy. Any use of such marks and logos by Casio Computer Co., Ltd. is under licence.

*In alcuni casi, la tonalità del colore dei prodotti elencati potrebbe essere diversa dal prodotto reale.

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